About Healing Work

What Is nondual integrative healing

Nondual Integrative Healing (NIH) combines ancient and modern day therapeutic practices to bring about deep healing.

NIH will help you not only see repeated life-patterns but will also help you find and heal the root-cause through the fundamental relationships between the body, mind, and spirit.

Non-dual Integrative Healing is a pathway towards wholeness and is for those individuals who seek:

  • Physical, emotional, and spiritual healing
  • Accelerated recovery from surgery, disease, and trauma
  • Resolution of issues/patterns
  • Deeper more authentic relationships
  • To awaken to more conscious living
  • To reestablish body-mind connection

More about nIh

Nondual Integrative Healing has at its core the acceptance and compassion for our humanness.  To be human is to be many things and have many perspectives available to us. Our natural complexity of who we are, our own characteristics, pathology and historical neurotic thinking along with life’s challenges can often lead to fragmentation.  We develop at a young age, ways in which we try to save ourselves from pain and suffering, often developed from family dynamics, loss or trauma and our innate desire to be loved.  As a result we unconsciously adjust how we show up in the world and it begins to create patterns that unconsciously control our lives, and keep us separate somehow and not in relationship with ourselves and the Divine.  This can affect all areas of our lives; physically, emotionally, psychologically and can especially impact our relationships; often in negative and painful ways.

To re-pattern these imbalances and to heal and integrate the parts of ourselves that are no longer serving us, requires awareness, but most importantly it requires deep kindness. Instead of cutting out or abandoning our “problem selves”, we learn how to create a kinder relationship with all aspects of who we are.  This is how healing takes place.  This personal awakening, allowing all the parts of us to exists, opens us up to experience the fullness of our humanity which leads to profound intimacy with life.  It’s from this place that real transformation takes place and we can create more conscious living which leads to more wholeness and fulfillment. 

Nondual Integrative Healing is a holistic alternative to traditional psychotherapy. It provides deep nourishment, and powerful transformation.  NIH is a new paradigm that heals the totality of our being, our physical, psychological and spiritual self.  It simultaneously works as a path to awaken us to our True Nature and in that way, become more human and joyous while still being deeply connected to the world and its suffering.  It offers a supremely practical and life-enriching method to grow and transform.

This revolutionary healing method and path of awakening was founded in the early 1990’s by Jason Shulman, master of Kabbalah and Zen.  This modality unites Kabbalistic wisdom with Buddhist thought, insights from quantum physics, modern psychology and non-dual teachings

A word from Rachel
A word from Jason